Friday, November 01, 2013

So Glad It's November!

This year's Halloween seemed to last an entire week-- I am glad it's all over! We had so many things going on, and too many treats, and all those other things that go along with celebrating Halloween.

Does it seem to anyone else that Halloween gets bigger and busier and gory-er every year?

Just checking to see if I'm the only one that feels that way...  (I'll try not to go to far into all the negative here...)


Our kids were very cute for all the many activities we attended, which included:

  • Ward Fall Festival last Saturday night. (Our Grayse didn't get to go because she'd been puking all day. It was so sad!)
  • Cub Scout Pack Meeting Trunk or Treat
  • Homeschool Group potluck and costume parade
  • Teen Halloween/Birthday party
  • Trick or Treating in our busy, kid-friendly neighborhood
That's a lot of costume-wearing going on. Luckily, that's the part I love!

And now for the cute kid pictures, which is the most important part-- the fruit of all the busyness that went on!

Sad to be staying home, but very cute Grayse the pioneer

MacKenna, our dramatic ballerina

Avalon, the rootin', tootin' cowgirl

Davy as William Shakespeare

Ronan, the race car driver

Dierdre, the ethereal Tolkien Elf

Isn't our Eryn a little doll???

Brennan as a Civil War Union officer

Bonny as Audrey Hepburn

Unfortunately, Lliam and Gavin didn't want to dress up for the Fall Festival, so we have no pictures of them in costume! But here are some random pictures of them looking handsome:

Lliam exercising and being charming at the same time

Gavin is such a good helper with babies!
Welcome to November!

Love, Mama Rachel


  1. Awesome costumes! It's all about dressing up for us too. And I love that MacKenna could be a ballerina and probably didn't have to bundle up in a coat for Halloween night! I was a ballerina when I was 3 or 4 and it was so cold that year that no one could even see my costume for my coat.

    1. Yes-- that is the nice thing about living in a warmer climate! Halloween night was warm and mild, so no jackets were necessary, even after the sun went down.

      And thank you for your compliment about the costumes. A lot of them are made by my mom, who is a professional costumer. That's all my kids ever want for their birthdays, so it works out great! :-) (Thanks, Mom!)


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