Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Four Months Old!

Sweet Eryn
 Little Miss Eryn is now Four Months Old!

Nummy Fingers, Cute Hat

 She's showing us more of her personality every day. It's so fun!

She gets her cool hairdo from her great Grandpa Pike.

She is surrounded by lots of adoring fans every day.

Here she's being held by Dierdre, and admired by MacKenna.

Dierdre is on her list of admirers.

The camera always seems to surprise her.

"There's that flash of light again!"

She is not interested in pacifiers, or even in her thumb.

 Instead, she has opted for the two-finger approach.

We sure love this little sweetheart!
The eyes... the hair... the cheeks...!


  1. What adorable pictures! We love the wide-eyed look on babies. You got another keeper there.

  2. Love all the pictures! And she has to much Beautiful Hair! Enoch lost all of his! Poor kid :) He also has found his fingers and sucks on them constantly! Good to know that's normal ;)

  3. Love her hair! And her eyes! And everything else about her! I wish I could meet her!

  4. Mandy, any chance you are going to Idaho for Thanksgiving? We're thinking we are-- I'd love to see you guys!

  5. Thanks, ladies! We sure like her! :-)

  6. She is such a doll! So petite and sweet! I hope we get to meet her someday :) (Texas isn't too far to drive to AZ, right?) LOL

  7. Hey Rachel! Your baby is so cute! I really need to pick your brain because I found out I'm expecting my forth and I think life is going to be so busy and crazy. Then I look at you and you are doing so great with so many children. Please enlighten me on your secrets.

  8. Risse! It's so fun to be in touch again. Your family is so darling!

    CONGRATULATIONS on baby #4!!! How exciting! :-D When are you due???

    Here's the key to my sanity: I teach my older kids how to help me with the little ones. I train them how to be parents, and they relieve some of my stress. It works great for me! ;-)


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